
The most popular themes in Fado are Love and Longing, where the same theme is multiplied by different versions based on the same melodic base and / or lyrics, styled according to the interpreter.
Fado, namely the most vernacular fado, rose above all from the neighborhoods of Lisbon.
Influenced by reminiscences of singing in dancers, pilgrimages, retreats, taverns and socializing between residents, the players and singers were refining the distinctive features of the fado, which mirror the experiences of each neighborhood.
Traditionally, fadistas wear black robes, but also showy and sequined colors, shawls that accentuate the drama of the interpretation, the sharp-edged fact, the flirtatious poses and the small but expressive gestures.
In the first phase of the existence of Timpanas, in the light of the oil lamps, in addition to the Duarte Family, the Marceneiro generations were respectfully listened, with Ti Alfredo at the head, other notable voices and guitarists: D. Maria Teresa de Noronha, accompanied by Dr. Menano, Francisco Maia Stoffel, Teresa Tarouca, Maria do Rosario Bettencourt, Mariana Silva, Julio Proença, José Pracana and João Ferreira Rosa, among others.
Timpanas is part of one of the most charismatic neighborhoods, where the largest number of fado-singing spaces came to be registered, thanks to the profusion of people who made it expand from the late nineteenth century and the dawn of the twentieth century, especially fishing and manufacturing activities.
– Fadists: Isabel Pinheiro, Ana Marta, Helder Santos (besides weekly guests)
– Instrumentalists: Armando Figueiredo (guitar), Hugo Edgar (Portuguese guitar)